Related topics: health

Multilevel approach to coping with stigmas identified

Socially stigmatized groups have poorer health than non-stigmatized groups, but a team of researchers believes that more emphasis on two-way and multidisciplinary interventions will have a greater and more successful impact ...

Crime Victims' Institute investigates human trafficking

Human sex trafficking is a serious problem both domestically and internationally and enhanced education is necessary to address the risk factors for entry into the sex trade, the physical and mental health consequences of ...

The dynamics of mercury toxins in the oceans' food web

Methylmercury, a toxic form of mercury that is readily absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and can cause in a variety of health issues, poses a significant threat to marine animals at the top of the food web.

Farmers urged to be inquisitive about farm health and safety

Tom Curran, Teagasc Head of Advisory Services, has called on farmers to emphasize health and safety when consulting with advisors. He made his call at the Teagasc Moorepark Dairy Open Day, where the importance of farm health ...

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