Related topics: health

Mapping the connections between diverse sets of data

What is a map? Most often, it's a visual tool used to demonstrate the relationship between multiple places in geographic space. They're useful because you can look at one and very quickly pick up on the general outlines of ...

How gender inequality is hindering Japan's economic growth

Japan's economy is under pressure from rising energy prices and defense costs and the impact of the pandemic. Plummeting birth rates and an aging population further threaten the sustainability of its labor market. A 2023 ...

Exploring how neurons in human skin affect pigmentation

Your skin forms the physical boundary between you and the outside world, yet it still holds a surprising number of secrets. Now, researchers from Japan have discovered that sensory nerve cells in the skin do more than just ...

Painting an accurate profile of Adelaide's homeless

University of Adelaide researchers have built a comprehensive profile of homelessness and associated health issues in Adelaide. Their work is published in the Australian Journal of Social Issues.

Many veterinarians aren't comfortable talking about fat cats

As many as two-thirds of North American cats are obese, and just like in humans, obesity can shorten their lives and cause a long list of health issues including diabetes, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular problems. Yet, ...

Q&A: Are liberals truly more depressed than conservatives?

Do self-identified liberals suffer from higher levels of depression than their conservative counterparts? Research suggests so, which has a small circle of commentators and academics humming with theories to explain the gap.

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