Could death rates have swung the 2016 election?

Significant increases in the death rates of white, middle-aged people over the last 15 years appear to be tied to increases in Republican voting that helped lead to Donald Trump's election in 2016, according to a new study ...

Philanthropy and inequality

Recent incidents in places such as Ferguson, Mo., Staten Island, N.Y., and elsewhere vividly unfolded in the news media. Murders of unarmed black men at the hands of the police and the protests that followed reminded the ...

Chile enacts higher taxes to fund schools

(AP)—Chile is enacting measures that raise taxes on large businesses to help finance improvements in education, health and other services.

Poverty stuck at 15 percent—record 46.5 million

The nation's poverty rate remained stuck at 15 percent last year despite America's slowly reviving economy, a discouraging lack of improvement for the record 46.5 million poor and an unwelcome benchmark for President Barack ...

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