Birds appear to lack important anti-inflammatory protein

From bird flu to the West Nile virus, bird diseases can have a vast impact on humans. Thus, understanding bird immune systems can help people in a variety of ways, including protecting ourselves from disease and protecting ...

Urban overheating risks are personal, study finds

Global warming and urbanization are expected to increase heat hazards in cities around the world, but higher temperatures may not always lead to higher health risks, according to a new study in Earth's Future.

Disrupting communication in infectious bacteria

Chemists in Konstanz have inhibited the biosynthesis of a bacterial signal and, as a result, blocked the infectious properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the most common germ found in health care facilities.

Ohioans love their lakes, but are concerned for their future

Almost 41 percent of Ohioans have visited a lake, pond, river or creek in the state in the past year, and of those, nearly one-half usually spend their water-related recreational time at Lake Erie, according to preliminary ...

New research shows link between climate change and immune health

Climate change may be impacting our immune systems, a study from the University of Bergen, Norway, shows. This research brings into focus the intricate interplay between environmental factors, microbial communities and their ...

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