Related topics: health

Mangroves: Environmental guardians of our coastline

They are the salt-tolerant shrubs that thrive in the toughest of conditions, but according to new UniSA research, mangroves are also avid coastal protectors, capable of surviving in heavy metal contaminated environments.

PFAS levels lower in buildings with healthier furnishings

Buildings renovated with healthier furnishings had significantly lower levels of the entire group of per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS)—toxic chemicals linked with many negative health effects—than buildings with ...

Creating a better way to track groundwater contamination

Keith Klepeis, Ph.D., professor of geology in the University of Vermont's Department of Geography and Geosciences, recently partnered with colleagues from the Vermont Geological Survey (part of the Department of Conservation), ...

Microplastics threaten ecosystems of Dhaka rivers

Tiny plastic particles have been found in abundance in the surface water and underlying sediments of several lakes and peripheral rivers of Dhaka, according to a new study which researchers say sheds light on the environmental ...

New class of antibiotics against resistant bacteria

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing threat to human health. In an article published in the journal PNAS, Umeå researcher Fredrik Almqvist and his colleagues present a new type of antibiotic that effectively ...

Study: Cancer-causing gas leaking from CA stoves, pipes

Gas stoves in California homes are leaking cancer-causing benzene, researchers found in a new study published on Thursday, though they say more research is needed to understand how many homes have leaks.

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