NGOs accuse Bayer of hiding glyphosate risk data

An NGO grouping said Wednesday it had filed claims in an Austrian court alleging that chemicals firm Bayer withheld data showing health risks from exposure to its herbicide glyphosate, which the EU has proposed to keep using ...

Forests reduce health risks, new global report confirms

The global scientific evidence of the multiple types of benefits that forests, trees and green spaces have on human health has now been assessed by an international and interdisciplinary team of scientists. The outcome is ...

Smart urban planning makes daily life smooth in Finland

For several years in a row, Finland has topped the prestigious World Happiness Report, bringing a lot of attention to the modest Nordic country of 5.5 million people. What's the recipe for a content and healthy city in a ...

Measuring the next generation of life-saving pollution sensors

New research from the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is helping Duvas Technologies Ltd (Duvas) to develop improved air quality monitoring instrumentation. Currently over 1bn people a year suffer from respiratory ...

What if California didn't close down during the pandemic?

Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences, along with a collaborator at Denison University, have developed an innovative new model to assess how the California economy might have fared without economic closures to ...

Environmental groups hail Delhi's controversial car ban

Environmental groups on Saturday lauded the Delhi government's move to drastically reduce the number of private vehicles on the capital's roads in a bid to clean up the city's notoriously toxic air, as a political row erupted ...

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