Reading struggles? Don't wait to advocate for your child

Reading is an important predictor of future academic performance in all subjects and through all levels of school. The World Literacy Organization notes that weak reading skills predict lower income levels as an adult, increased ...

New study examines mortality costs of air pollution in US

A team of University of Illinois researchers estimated the mortality costs associated with air pollution in the U.S. by developing and applying a novel machine learning-based method to estimate the life-years lost and cost ...

Former EPA advisers say agency's mercury proposal is flawed

As the EPA gets closer to finalizing changes to an Obama-era air pollution rule, a group of former agency advisers says the Trump administration's attempt to weaken the mercury emissions regulations is based on faulty and ...

Study tallies huge hidden health costs from climate change

Climate change is taking a huge toll on Americans' health, so much so that it could constitute a public health crisis, a new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the University of California, San Francisco ...

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