Increase in head start funding "a national priority"

Increased funding for Head Start—the largest federally funded, early childhood development program in the United States—is needed to support families during the COVID-19 recession and to ensure a more stable economic ...

Opinion: Why all children must learn code

Across the world, the conversion of information into a digital format—also called "digitalization"—has increased productivity in the public and private sectors. As a result, virtually every country in the world is working ...

Head Start slashes likelihood of adult poverty

One of the United States' most successful anti-poverty measures starts very early in life: Head Start, a preschool program for disadvantaged kids, increased children's education and significantly reduced the likelihood of ...

Frequent school moves hurt low-income childrens' math scores

Low-income students who change schools frequently are at risk for lower math scores and have a harder time managing their behavior and attention in the classroom than similar students who stay in the same school, according ...

Head Start program played anti-segregation role in the Deep South

A federal preschool program did more than improve educational opportunities for poor children in Mississippi during the 1960s. The program also gave a political and economic boost to the state's civil rights activists, according ...

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