Data fusion tool targets urban heat islands in San Antonio

Southwest Research Institute has created a comprehensive data analysis tool to help metropolitan areas curb urban heat islands (UHIs) and pursue mitigation methods for especially vulnerable populations. This project was a ...

Magma movements foretell future eruptions

Geologists at Uppsala University have traced magma movement beneath Mt. Cameroon volcano, which will help monitoring for future volcanic eruptions. The results are published in Scientific Reports.

Study shows disaster plans often neglect historic preservation

New research from the University of Colorado Denver shows many communities fail to take historic preservation into account when planning for natural disasters, risking a loss of heritage and critical engines of the local ...

Earthquakes and tectonics in Pamir Tien Shan

Real time analysis of shear waves as a means of earth quake hazard mitigation. First time observed continental subduction in a continent-continent collision.

Studying mini earthquakes provides clues to volcanic behavior

( —Open vent volcanoes constantly pop with small eruptions, causing low-level, low-frequency earthquakes. These are not the big high-profile earthquakes that come from the slip of a fault line, resulting in widespread ...

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