New strategy proposed for efficient degradation of antibiotics

A research team led by Prof. Kong Lingtao from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of of Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a pre-assembly strategy to anchor single atoms on carbon nitride nanosheets. They prepared ...

Microbial miners could help humans colonize the moon and Mars

The biochemical process by which cyanobacteria acquire nutrients from rocks in Chile's Atacama Desert has inspired engineers at the University of California, Irvine to think of new ways microbes might help humans build colonies ...

Tracking explosions with toughened-up tracers

What happens in an explosion? Where do the products of that explosion go following the blast? These questions are often difficult to solve. New rugged tracer particles, developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ...

New quantum phase discovered for developing hybrid materials

If you have ever watched water freeze to ice, you have witnessed what physicists call a "phase transition." Osaka Metropolitan University scientists have discovered an unprecedented phase transition during which crystals ...

Balancing risk and reward in planetary exploration

NASA's Mars rovers strive for groundbreaking scientific discoveries as they traverse the Martian landscape. At the same time, the crews operating the rovers do all they can to protect them and the billions of dollars behind ...

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