In 27 states, don't call your old computer 'trash'

(AP) -- Get a new flat-screen TV for Christmas and wondering what to do with the old console? Finally replacing that turntable with an MP3 player? Just upgrading your Mac? Whatever it is, you'd better check your state's ...

US court orders GMO beets destroyed

A federal judge has ordered what is believed to be the first-ever destruction of a genetically modified crop in the United States, saying that the altered sugar beets were planted illegally.

UN scientists say ozone layer depletion has stopped

The protective ozone layer in the earth's upper atmosphere has stopped thinning and should largely be restored by mid century thanks to a ban on harmful chemicals, UN scientists said on Thursday.

Is oil spill also fouling the air?

( -- UCI researchers find disturbing amounts of certain gases above massive Gulf slick. More study is needed.

Paper strips can quickly detect toxin in drinking water

( -- A strip of paper infused with carbon nanotubes can quickly and inexpensively detect a toxin produced by algae in drinking water. Engineers at the University of Michigan led the development of the new biosensor.

Computer model reveals where food pathogens grow

( -- An outbreak of food-related illness, such as E. coli-tainted spinach, often leaves food safety experts scratching their heads over the source of the contamination.

Stopgap DNA repair needs a second step

One can have a dream, two can make that dream so real, goes a popular song. Now a Weizmann Institute study has revealed that it takes two to perform an essential form of DNA repair.

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