The spice of life: Variety is also good for hares

Since 1871, when Charles Darwin wrote The Descent of Man, it has been widely accepted that "Variability is the necessary basis for the action of selection." Variability is associated with the ability to adapt, which is clearly ...

Climate change is shrinking mountain hares' habitat in the Alps

A warming climate will shrink and fragment mountain hare habitat in the Swiss Alps. Populations are likely to decline as a result, concludes an international study led by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape ...

Queen's University issues stark warning for the Irish hare

Researchers at Queen's University Belfast have issued a stark warning about the future of the Irish hare and the threat it faces from the European 'brown' hare, which has set up home in Mid-Ulster and West Tyrone.

Scientists say new climate law is likely to reduce warming

Massive incentives for clean energy in the U.S. law signed Tuesday by President Joe Biden should reduce future global warming "not a lot, but not insignificantly either," according to a climate scientist who led an independent ...

New organoids boost pest rabbit control

Australia has been locked in a battle to control rabbits since the 1950s. Rabbits cause huge damage to our environment. They compete with native species, overgraze native plants and cause erosion. High rabbit numbers can ...

Leopards in the backyard

A new camera-trapping study in India has revealed that leopards can occur at high densities in densely-populated and heavily-modified agricultural environments.

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