Samsung makes 1TB hard drive platters

( -- The world of hardware is, in some ways, an arms race. We want it faster, smaller, with a longer battery life, and with more storage. While we cannot always get all of those things from one device, when one ...

Startup lets you play console video games remotely

(AP) -- As any a video game aficionado knows, it's easy to pop a game into your Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 and spend hours working your way from one level to the next. Without the hefty console, though, you're out of luck ...

Hitachi develops recycling technologies for rare earth metals

Hitachi today announced that it has developed technologies for recycling rare earth magnets from hard disk drive (HDD) motors and air conditioners and other compressors. Specifically, developed machinery to separate and collect ...

XBox forensics

A forensics toolkit for the Xbox gaming console is described by US researchers in the latest issue of the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. The toolkit could allow law enforcement agencies ...

Rumors about two new Sony laptops abound

( -- Is Sony trying to out Macbook the Macbook? That is the rumor floating around the tech world today. According to a rumor report, first put out by Sony Insider, the company is allegedly working on two different ...

Embedding spy secrets in the hard drive fragments

( -- A new way to hide your secrets has been created, which is good news for both the spies and the generally duplicitous regular people of the world. This new system, instead of relying on traditional methods ...

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