Air pollution may be affecting how happy you are

For decades now, GDP has been the standard measure of a nation's well-being. But it is becoming clear that an economic boost may not be accompanied by a rise in individual happiness.

In China, a link between happiness and air quality

For many years, China has been struggling to tackle high pollution levels that are crippling its major cities. Indeed, a recent study by researchers at Chinese Hong Kong University has found that air pollution in the country ...

Unemployment and unhappiness

A new research paper in the International Journal of Economics and Business Research uses log-linear models to study the correlation between happiness, employment and various demographic factors.

Stop teaching kids how to be happy, says education expert

A leading educational psychologist is urging schools to stop thinking of wellbeing as another subject to be taught. Instead she is urging them to create healthier schools where students naturally develop wellbeing and a love ...

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