Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found by River Cam

Researchers are highlighting the importance of basic personal hygiene, such as hand washing, after finding significant levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wild bird feces at locations close to the River Cam in Cambridgeshire.

India's born-again elephants repel four-legged rampages

Moorthy killed 21 people and terrorised entire villages in southern India for years before he was captured and retrained to repel similar attacks by other wild elephants starved due to deforestation.

Biomechanics of the kick-start motion in competitive swimming

Researchers from the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Tsukuba have analyzed the "kick-start" technique used by swimmers when beginning a race. On the basis of force and velocity measurements, the ...

Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows why

Though hand-washing is proven effective in combating the spread of disease and infection, the physics behind it has rarely been studied. But in Physics of Fluids, researchers from Hammond Consulting Limited describe a simple ...

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely

It could be a milestone on the path to detecting life on other planets: Scientists under the leadership of the University of Bern and of the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS detect a key molecular ...

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