Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows why

Though hand-washing is proven effective in combating the spread of disease and infection, the physics behind it has rarely been studied. But in Physics of Fluids, researchers from Hammond Consulting Limited describe a simple ...

Real-world proof of hand washing's effectiveness

Scientists are reporting dramatic new real-world evidence supporting the idea that hand washing can prevent the spread of water-borne disease. It appears in a new study showing a connection between fecal bacteria contamination ...

How clean is your desk? The unwelcome reality of office hygeine

If you work in an office, the chances are there are some colleagues you would rather sit next to than others. But we're not just talking personality likes or dislikes here – what can also be a factor is how clean they keep ...

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found by River Cam

Researchers are highlighting the importance of basic personal hygiene, such as hand washing, after finding significant levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wild bird feces at locations close to the River Cam in Cambridgeshire.

Fresh produce growers learn ways to prevent foodborne illnesses

Fresh produce growers learned ways to reduce food safety risks and qualify for Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) certification at a workshop during the annual Wyoming Farmers Marketing Association meeting earlier this month ...

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