Could Planet 9 be a primordial black hole?

For several years, astronomers and cosmologists have theorized about the existence of an additional planet with a mass 10 times greater than that of Earth, situated in the outermost regions of the solar system. This hypothetical ...

Small-scale challenges to the cold dark matter model

(—A collaborative of researchers from several U.S. universities has published a new paper that explains the major contradictions presented by the prevailing cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model, and proposes ...

New Limits on the Origin of Dark Matter

( -- Determining the identity of dark matter, the mysterious stuff thought to make up the vast majority of matter in the universe, is one of the most fundamental challenges facing modern physics. Through theory ...

Observations investigate galaxy cluster Abell S1136

An international team of astronomers has employed the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope to perform radio observations of a galaxy cluster known as Abell S1136. Results of the observation ...

Observations explore the halo of Centaurus A

Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, astronomers have observed the halo of a nearby giant elliptical galaxy known as Centaurus A. Results of the observational campaign, published June 1 on the pre-print server arXiv, ...

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