Observations explore the halo of Centaurus A

Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, astronomers have observed the halo of a nearby giant elliptical galaxy known as Centaurus A. Results of the observational campaign, published June 1 on the pre-print server arXiv, ...

A primordial dark matter galaxy found without stars

There's a galaxy out there without apparent stars but largely chock full of dark matter. What's that you say? A galaxy without stars? Isn't that an impossibility? Not necessarily, according to the astronomers who found it ...

New dark matter theory explains two puzzles in astrophysics

Thought to make up 85% of matter in the universe, dark matter is nonluminous and its nature is not well understood. While normal matter absorbs, reflects, and emits light, dark matter cannot be seen directly, making it harder ...

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