Layout change can make licensing agreements more agreeable

Changing the layout of long and tedious software licensing agreements may not only make those agreements more understandable, but may even make the users like them more, according to Penn State researchers. Participants in ...

Decoding the gravitational evolution of dark matter halos

Researchers at Kavli IPMU and their collaborators have revealed that considering environmental effects such as a gravitational tidal force spread over a scale much larger than a galaxy cluster is indispensable to explain ...

Small restaurants counter backlash against chains

When large restaurant companies implement sustainability policies, customers are deeply skeptical of the efforts -- and their opinion of those companies may actually diminish. But consumers do give smaller restaurants a nod ...

Shining a light on factories of the future

The EU HALO project has extended existing laser technology for material processing to create more adaptable options, increasing operational quality and speed, whilst reducing overall cost.

Marketing research offers prescription for better nutrition

It may seem counter-intuitive to take health advice from a marketing professor, but when it comes to analyzing consumer data and its relationship to managing health issues such as diabetes, one University of Alberta researcher ...

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