Emergent behavior observed in self-interacting light

Particles of light—photons—that are forced to interact with each other through specially structured glass demonstrate behavior evocative of the "fractional quantum Hall effect," a phenomenon that garnered the 1998 Nobel ...

Making mini-magnets that induce a quantum anomalous Hall effect

A new device has been fabricated that can demonstrate the quantum anomalous Hall effect, in which tiny, discrete voltage steps are generated by an external magnetic field. This work may enable extremely low-power electronics, ...

Ultracold atoms dressed by light simulate gauge theories

Our modern understanding of the physical world is based on gauge theories: mathematical models from theoretical physics that describe the interactions between elementary particles (such as electrons or quarks) and explain ...

Discovery of new mechanisms to control the flow of sound

Using a network of vibrating nano-strings controlled with light, researchers from AMOLF have made sound waves move in a specific irreversible direction and attenuated or amplified the waves in a controlled manner for the ...

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