Massive hack is yet another blow for ailing Yahoo

The huge Yahoo hack deals a fresh blow to the internet pioneer which has been struggling to reinvent itself, potentially impacting the pending sale aiming at giving it a new start.

Software maverick McAfee warns China of hacking weakness

China leads the world in connecting everyday devices to the internet, but is creating huge hacking vulnerabilities for itself and others by doing so, renegade American software pioneer John McAfee warned Tuesday.

Referendum petition hack shows even democracy can be trolled

The electronic petition submitted to parliament calling for a second referendum on Britain's exit from the European Union is a notable development in digital democracy. The number of signatories has passed 4m – how many ...

Journalist sentenced to 2 years in LA Times hacking case

A well-known social media journalist was sentenced to two years in federal prison Wednesday after he was convicted of conspiring with the hacking group Anonymous to break into the Los Angeles Times' website and alter a story.

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