Youth cybercrime linked to friends' influence

Peer influence and low self-control appear to be the major factors fueling juvenile cybercrime such as computer hacking and online bullying, according to a new study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

Study advised US on Libya hacking

(AP) -- Private computer experts advised U.S. officials on how cyberattacks could damage Libya's oil and gas infrastructure and rob Moammar Gadhafi's regime of crucial oil revenue, according to a study obtained by hackers.

Baker Institute policy report looks at cybersecurity

A new article written by a fellow at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy calls on the intelligence community to jointly create a policy on cybersecurity and determine the degree to which the U.S. should protect ...

US cable: China leaders ordered hacking on Google

(AP) -- Contacts told American diplomats that hacking attacks against Google were ordered by China's top ruling body and a senior leader demanded action after finding search results that were critical of him, leaked U.S. ...

Chinese army must deal with cyberwarfare: state media

China's army should seriously consider how to deal with cyberwarfare amid severe threats to online and information security, state media said Thursday, days after authorities detained hundreds of hackers.

China backs international efforts to secure cyberspace

China supports international efforts to secure cyberspace but believes each nation's "Internet sovereignty" must be respected, a top Chinese official told a cybersecurity conference on Tuesday.

Chinese police shut down hacker training business

(AP) -- Police in central China have shut down a hacker training operation that openly recruited thousands of members online and provided them with cyberattack lessons and malicious software, state media said Monday.

Cyber hacking could be a thing of the past

( -- High-profile websites are constantly under threat from hackers attempting to paralyse their websites but new research could make such attacks computationally impossible. This research will be one of the ...

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