Anonymous leaks emails hacked from Tunisia's leaders

Activists claiming affiliation with the hacking group Anonymous published about 2,700 emails Sunday purportedly between Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali and other members of his government.

British interior ministry probes website attack

Britain's Home Office interior ministry said Saturday it was investigating reports that hacking group Anonymous had attacked its website over the government's plans to boost Internet surveillance.

'Anonymous' member admits hacking UK abortion site

A member of the international computer hacking group Anonymous pleaded guilty in court in Britain on Saturday to breaking into and defacing the website of an abortion service.

Hacker group Anonymous takes down Vatican website

The hacking group Anonymous took down several Vatican websites on Wednesday, saying it was targeting the "corrupt" Catholic Church, a day after a high-profile bust of the group's alleged leaders.

More US govt websites hacked by Anonymous

(AP) -- Cyber rebels from Anonymous announced Friday the group has carried out a new series of attacks against U.S. government websites to protest a global copyright treaty.

Hackers claim to take down US tear gas maker site

The "Anonymous" hacking group on Tuesday claimed to have shut down the website of security firm Combined Systems, which it accused of providing the tear gas used in crackdowns on protests.

Romanian accused of hacking NASA-JPL computers

(AP) -- The Los Angeles U.S. attorney's office says a federal grand jury has indicted a Romanian citizen on charges he hacked into 25 climate-research computers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

Hackers post W.Va. police officers' personal info

(AP) -- Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacking group obtained more than 150 police officers' personal information from an old website for the West Virginia Chiefs of Police Association and posted it online.

UK judge: Social network sites differ from press

(AP) -- The British judge presiding over a wide-ranging inquiry into media ethics and practices has suggested that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter should be seen differently than traditional publishers.

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