Apple patent sends password secrets to adapters

( -- First-time computer users in the early days, pre-hacking security traumas, were confronted with a new life requirement: creating and remembering system passwords. Not too easy, users were warned, to protect ...

Italian surveillance company hacked, documents stolen

An Italian surveillance firm known for selling malicious software used by police bodies and spy agencies has succumbed to a cyberattack, the firm's spokesman said Monday, confirming an embarrassing breach which sent documents ...

British LulzSec hackers admit CIA cyber attacks

Two British members of the hacking group LulzSec admitted Monday carrying out cyber attacks against the CIA and Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group News International.

Anonymous says it hacked Chinese government sites

(AP) -- China was struggling Thursday to restore several government websites that international hacking group Anonymous says it attacked in an apparent protest against Chinese Internet restrictions.

Hackers intercept FBI, Scotland Yard call (Update)

(AP) -- Trading jokes and swapping leads, investigators from the FBI and Scotland Yard spent the conference call strategizing about how to bring down the hacking collective known as Anonymous, responsible for a string of ...

Feds: Harvard fellow hacked millions of papers

(AP) -- A Harvard University fellow who was studying ethics was charged with hacking into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's computer network to steal nearly 5 million academic articles.

Hackers school next generation at DEFCON Kids

DEFCON hackers will share their skills with the next generation at a first-ever children's version of the infamous gathering of software renegades, lock pickers and social engineers.

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