Dow Jones editor reminds reporters of ethics code

Dow Jones editor-in-chief Robert Thomson, the American flagship of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, has reminded journalists that they must follow a code of ethics in a memo to all staff.

British paper turns readers into newshounds

A British newspaper has thrown open its office doors, let the readers stride in, and invited them to peer over reporters' shoulders -- digitally, at least.

Space-borne quantum source to secure communication

Soon, powerful quantum computers will be able to easily crack conventional mathematically encrypted codes. Entangled photons generated by a spaceborne quantum source could enable hack-proof key exchange for ultra high security ...

FBI arrests suspect over hacking Hollywood stars

The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Wednesday the arrest of a suspect over the alleged hacking of Hollywood celebrities including Scarlett Johansson and Christina Aguilera.

Anonymous leaks emails hacked from Tunisia's leaders

Activists claiming affiliation with the hacking group Anonymous published about 2,700 emails Sunday purportedly between Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali and other members of his government.

2,700 hacking attempts on S.Korea military in year

South Korea's military has seen more than 2,700 attempts to hack into its websites over the past year, a lawmaker said Wednesday, amid growing concern over North Korea's cyber warfare capability.

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