Apple software developers site hacked

Computer and software giant Apple said it took its software developers website offline after it was hacked, warning that personal information about its users may have been stolen.

British student on trial over Anonymous PayPal hacking

A British student went on trial in London on Thursday accused of a series of cyber-attacks by the hacking group Anonymous that cost the US online payments giant PayPal millions of dollars.

US cable: China leaders ordered hacking on Google

(AP) -- Contacts told American diplomats that hacking attacks against Google were ordered by China's top ruling body and a senior leader demanded action after finding search results that were critical of him, leaked U.S. ...

UK arrests 2 suspected computer hackers

(AP) -- British police on Thursday arrested two men as part of a trans-Atlantic investigation into attacks carried out by the hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security.

2012 movie massacre hung over 'Interview' decision

When a group claiming credit for the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment threated violence against theaters showing "The Interview" earlier this week, the fate of the movie's big-screen life was all but sealed.

SKorea and US forge deal to fight cyber attacks

South Korea and the United States have agreed to cooperate in fighting cyber attacks against their defence networks from countries including China and North Korea, officials said Monday.

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