Alien plantscapes make it hard to know what country you're in

Around the globe, natural habitats are being overrun by plant species originating from different regions. A study published today in Global Change Biology reveals that the growing prevalence of exotic plants in our gardens ...

One in five Colorado bumblebees are endangered, new report says

On a cliffside at Mesa Verde National Park in southern Colorado, a fuzzy bee was industriously gnawing at the red sandstone. Making a loud grinding sound, the insect used its powerful jaws to drill tunnels and holes in rocks, ...

Biodiversity of islands worldwide is in peril, scientists warn

Scientists are sounding the alarm. The biodiversity of islands around the world is becoming increasingly threatened, due in large part to habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species and climate change. If healthy island ...

Native groups sue over polar bear critical habitat

(AP) -- Alaska Native groups worried about losing tax revenues and royalties from oil development filed a lawsuit Friday challenging the federal government's designation of critical habitat for threatened polar bears on ...

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