Changes in farming and climate hurting British moths

Britain's moths are feeling the pinch – threatened on one side by climate change and on the other by habitat loss and harmful farming methods. A new study gives the most comprehensive picture yet of trends in moth populations, ...

Skipjack tuna fare better under high-res model

Refuting lower-resolution results, high-resolution ocean modelling has predicted climate change will have little impact on western Pacific tuna fisheries in the 2060s.

A major study of all penguin populations

A major study of all penguin species suggests the birds are at continuing risk from habitat degradation. Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, a group of internationally renowned scientists recommends the adoption ...

Australians called on to rescue dwindling river life

Environmental scientists have urged Australians to rally to the rescue of endangered lungfish and other river wildlife by restoring catchments and river banks, especially in cities.

Why some fish can't go with the flow

Have you ever been snorkelling or scuba diving on a windy day when there are lots of waves? Did you notice how much that flow of water against your body affected your ability to swim and control your movements underwater? ...

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