Life could be evolving right now on nearest exoplanets

Excitement about exoplanets skyrocketed when rocky Earth-like planets were discovered orbiting in the habitable zone of some of our closest stars – until hopes for life were dashed by the high levels of radiation bombarding ...

Discovery of an extrasolar earth-sized planet

( -- There are now over 490 confirmed extrasolar planets. The vast majority are gas giants like Jupiter, but they are much stranger because many orbit close to their stars and so are much hotter than Jupiter (some ...

Team catalogs most likely 'second-Earth' candidates

Looking for another Earth? An international team of researchers has pinpointed which of the more than 4,000 exoplanets discovered by NASA's Kepler mission are most likely to be similar to our rocky home.

Gorillas, unlike humans, gorge protein yet stay slim

( -- A Massey University scientist's study on how wild gorillas in Uganda stay healthy by gorging on protein has highlighted fundamental differences in the way eating habits of various species evolve.

Three planets in habitable zone of nearby star (w/ video)

( —A team of astronomers has combined new observations of Gliese 667C with existing data from HARPS at ESO's 3.6-metre telescope in Chile, to reveal a system with at least six planets. A record-breaking three of ...

Possible venus twin discovered around dim star

Astronomers using NASA's Kepler space telescope have found a planet 219 light-years away that seems to be a close relative to Venus. This newly discovered world is only slightly larger than Earth, and orbits a low-temperature ...

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