Ideas for a sustainable circular economy

The sustainable circulation of materials and products, powered by regenerative energy sources, in order to bring about a healthy future: that is the underlying vision of the circular economy. Universities have a key role ...

A type of wasp that cannibalizes its sibling larvae

A pair of researchers at Kobe College has found that in one species of wasp, cannibalization of sibling larvae is common. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, Yui Imasaki and Tomoji Endo describe the insects and what they ...

Lower prices can make more people eat vegetarian

More meat eaters would choose a vegetarian burger if it was cheaper than a meat burger. But it takes a large price difference—even if the price was reduced by 30%, only a third of those who normally choose meat burgers ...

These are the best places to search for habitable exomoons

Our solar system contains eight planets and more than 200 moons. The large majority of those moons have no chance of being habitable, but some of them—Europa and Enceladus, for example—are strong candidates in the search ...

Imagining an Earthly neighbor

We do not yet know whether the sun-like stars closest to us, the α Centauri A/B binary, harbor an Earth-like planet. However, thanks to new modeling work, we now have a good sense of what such a planet, should it exist, ...

Day of discovery: 7 Earth-size planets

Newspapers around the world printed the discovery on their front pages: Astronomers had found that a red dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1 was home to a close-knit family of seven Earth-size planets. NASA announced the system ...

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