Related topics: planets

Video: The diversity of habitable zones and the planets

The field of exoplanets has rapidly expanded from the exclusivity of exoplanet detection to include exoplanet characterization. A key step towards this characterization is the determination of which planets occupy the Habitable ...

NASA mission to reap bonanza of earth-sized planets

Set to launch in 2017, NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will monitor more than half a million stars over its two-year mission, with a focus on the smallest, brightest stellar objects.

Under the bright lights of an aging sun

Life as we know it on Earth is linked to our star, the Sun, which provides our planet with just the right amount of heat and energy for liquid water to be stable in our lakes, rivers and oceans. However, as the Sun ages, ...

Ancient worlds could be kept 'alive' by gravitational nudges

For more than three billion years now, Earth's ability to support life has been a delicate balancing act. Climatic periods of severe cold or hot have brought life to its knees. Glaciers covered the planet in the "snowball ...

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