Tracking pedestrians indoors using their smart phones

The next generation of smart phone could combine the data from its gyroscopes with a built-in compass to allow you to track your movements when indoors even without GPS. Such a system could be useful for shopping mall managers, ...

New sensor system tracks firefighters where GPS fails

Firefighter Ray Hodgson hits the talk button on his walkie-talkie: "I have fire showing, possibility of a rescue on the third floor. Engine 35, initiate a rescue group. Also back him up with a hose line."

High-performance ESA receiver brings satnav indoors

( -- Satellite navigation is having an enormous impact on our daily lives. In practical terms it means the only place left to get lost is indoors, where satnav signals fail to reach. But one ESA project is changing ...

NASA on track for Monday space shuttle launch

(AP) -- NASA has cleared space shuttle Atlantis for liftoff Monday on a trip to stock up the International Space Station with several years' worth of spare parts.

Atlantis 'Go' For Launch to Station on Nov. 16

( -- NASA's space shuttle Atlantis is targeted to begin an 11-day flight to the International Space Station with a Nov. 16 launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Liftoff is scheduled for 2:28 p.m. EST. ...

Astronaut recalled Uncle Frank during Hubble fix

(AP) -- Sometimes all the high-tech training is nothing compared to what Uncle Frank and a big screwdriver can teach an astronaut about removing stubborn parts, even 350 miles above Earth.

Astronauts get in shuttle, ready to go to Hubble

(AP) -- Astronauts strapped into space shuttle Atlantis on Monday for one last flight to the Hubble Space Telescope, an extraordinarily ambitious mission that NASA hopes will lift the celebrated observatory to new scientific ...

Weather looks great for Monday launch to Hubble

(AP) -- With a forecast of near-perfect weather, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope scientists and managers were euphoric as they awaited Monday's planned launch of shuttle Atlantis on the final trip to the orbiting observatory.

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