Swapping motion-sensing units

(Phys.org) —NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is switching from one motion-sensing device to a duplicate unit onboard.

The robot and its virtual twin (w/ Video)

It walks, falls, and gets up on his own, follows a ball by sight and shoots. It also knows how to do many other things. The small humanoid robot DARwIn-OP was developed by a Korean company and three U.S. universities to serve ...

China astronauts float water blob in kids' lecture

Astronauts struck floating martial arts poses, twirled gyroscopes and manipulated wobbling globes of water during a lecture Thursday from China's orbiting space station that's part of efforts to popularize the space program ...

Einstein's exoplanet

(Phys.org) —Eight hundred and eighty nine exoplanets (planets around stars other than our Sun) have been discovered to date. Most of them were found using the Kepler satellite, which spots small dips in a star's light as ...

US army seeks new technology to replace GPS

The US army is working to limit its dependence on GPS by developing the next generation of navigation technology, including a tiny autonomous chip, the director of the Pentagon's research agency said Wednesday.

Wearable electronics move on from iPhone, to iWatch and beyond

You can wear your heart on your sleeve. Why not your electronics? In a burgeoning trend that has captivated Silicon Valley, a mind-boggling array of "wearable electronics" has begun to arrive, not just at a website or clothing ...

Writing without keyboard: Handwriting recognition on the wrist

Typing text messages on the mobile phone via the tiny soft keyboard is very cumbersome. How about simply writing it into the air! This idea drove the development of "airwriting" made by computer scientists of Karlsruhe Institute ...

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