Common weed killer linked to bee deaths

The world's most widely used weed killer may also be indirectly killing bees. New research from The University of Texas at Austin shows that honey bees exposed to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, lose some of ...

Single-crop farming has potential to harm bees, study finds

Mass-blooming, monoculture crop fields don't seem to reduce the microbial diversity in a bee's gut, University of Oregon researchers have found in a study of sunflower farms, but they do amplify the spread of infectious parasites.

We're social beings: So are the microbes in our microbiomes

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us that social interactions transmit pathogens. But do humans spread "good" bugs, too? Very much so, say a team of biologists who are probing the links between the microbiome and health.

Semen microbiome health may impact male fertility

You may have heard about the gut microbiome and its influence on a person's overall health and well-being. It turns out that the same may hold true for the semen microbiome.

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