What does your poop say about your evolution?

What does the bacteria in animal guts have to do with ecology? It turns out quite a bit more than you might expect. What does your poop say about your evolution? Is the microbiome the next big thing in ecology?

Study shows how a dog's diet shapes its gut microbiome

Studies of the gut microbiome have gone to the dogs—and pets around the world could benefit as a result. In a paper published this week in mBio, researchers from Nestle Purina PetCare Company report that the ratio of proteins ...

Overuse of antibiotics brings risks for bees—and for us

Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have found that honeybees treated with a common antibiotic were half as likely to survive the week after treatment compared with a group of untreated bees, a finding that ...

Two-for-one bacterial virulence factor revealed

We've all seen the headlines. "Man found to be shedding virulent strain of polio"; "Virulent flu strain in Europe hits the economy"; "Most virulent strain of E. coli ever seen contains DNA sequences from plague bacteria."

Machine learning predicts antibiotic resistance spread

Genes aren't only inherited through birth. Bacteria have the ability to pass genes to each other, or pick them up from their environment, through a process called horizonal gene transfer, which is a major culprit in the spread ...

Plants may be transmitting superbugs to people

Antibiotic-resistant infections are a threat to global public health, food safety and an economic burden. To prevent these infections, it is critical to understand how antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their genes are transmitted ...

We're social beings: So are the microbes in our microbiomes

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us that social interactions transmit pathogens. But do humans spread "good" bugs, too? Very much so, say a team of biologists who are probing the links between the microbiome and health.

How viruses and bacteria balance each other in the gut microbiome

The adage 'all things in moderation' applies not to just to food and drink, but also to the legions of bacteria inside our guts helping us digest that food and drink. It turns out the rule may also extend to the lesser understood ...

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