Honeybees ultra-connected by their microbiome

Some insects (e.g., ants and some bees) live in intricately structured societies or colonies. Their colonies can comprise thousands of individuals specialized on different tasks. Most individuals are sterile, devoting their ...

Study identifies gut bacteria that regulate cholesterol

Certain species of bacteria in the gut interact with and help balance levels of dietary cholesterol by using it to create a molecule that plays important roles in human health, according to a study published August 18 in ...

Shining light on how bacteria interact

The ways in which bacteria infect cells are important for understanding host-pathogen interactions. The knowledge also opens up a world of practical applications.

Veterinarians identify problems in cats with dysbacteriosis

RUDN veterinarians studied how the intestinal microbiota in cats changes during dysbacteriosis. The patterns obtained will help to make a more accurate diagnosis and select an adequate treatment. The results are published ...

Researchers identify the microbes in 100-year-old snail guts

On a drizzly day in July 1920, a Colorado scientist named Junius Henderson was hiking around the Dakota Hogback, a sandstone ridge north of Boulder. There, he spotted a group of Rocky Mountain snails (Oreohelix strigosa) ...

Understanding how microbiota thrive in their human hosts

A research team lead by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany, has now made substantial progress in understanding how gut bacteria succeed in their human hosts on a molecular level. They ...

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