Ocean current system seems to be approaching a tipping point

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) may have been losing stability in the course of the last century, a new study by Niklas Boers, published in Nature Climate Change, suggests. The finding is worrying as ...

What does a whale and a human have in common?

The immune system of the blue whale is as good as the human's and other land mammals; the species is healthy and could resist an epidemic of bacteria or fungi. Disclosed in the first study of its kind to be carried out globally ...

Scientists find damage to coral near BP well

For the first time, federal scientists have found damage to deep sea coral and other marine life on the ocean floor several miles from the blown-out BP well - a strong indication that damage from the spill could be significantly ...

Vaquitas still exist, but barely: sea 'panda' survey

The vaquita, a small porpoise on the verge of extinction, is still hanging in there, said scientists Wednesday who had spotted about a dozen specimens of Mexico's "panda of the sea" on an expedition in May.

Dolphins in 'bad shape' after BP oil spill

Bottlenose dolphins with missing teeth, lung disease, and abnormal hormone levels were found swimming in the Gulf of Mexico a year after the BP oil spill, US researchers say.

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