Discarded plastic blights Honduran mangrove island

A heron chick flutters clumsily after hatching in a nest on a mangrove island littered with plastic waste in the Gulf of Fonseca, along the Pacific Coast of Central America.

Winter storms over Labrador Sea influence Gulf Stream system

The Gulf Stream, which brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to Europe and keeps the climate mild, is only part of a larger system of oceanic currents called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC for ...

New research examines contamination in gulf coast waters

A University of Southern Mississippi (USM) graduate and one of her former professors have collaborated on a project they hope will change the way researchers look at contamination along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Vaquitas still exist, but barely: sea 'panda' survey

The vaquita, a small porpoise on the verge of extinction, is still hanging in there, said scientists Wednesday who had spotted about a dozen specimens of Mexico's "panda of the sea" on an expedition in May.

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