Climate change brings summertime heat to Florida's early spring

Florida is caught between a climate change-induced sauna of extreme spring temperatures and a steam bath caused by warming oceans. The result has been record-setting heat that has turned April into summertime across the peninsula, ...

Sparkling waters hide some lasting harm from 2010 oil spill

Ten years after a well blew wild under a BP platform in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 men and touching off the nation's worst offshore oil spill, gulf waters sparkle in the sunlight, its fish are safe to eat, and thick, ...

Scientists say it is time to save the red sea's coral reef

An international group of researchers led by Karine Kleinhaus, MD, of the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), calls upon UNESCO to declare the Red Sea's 4000km of coral reef as a Marine ...

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