Rare deep-sea brine pools discovered in Red Sea

Researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science recently discovered rare deep-sea brine pools in the Gulf of Aqaba, a northern extension to the Red Sea. These salty underwater ...

Improving ocean general circulation models

Ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) have become increasingly important for understanding oceanic dynamic processes and ocean environment forecasting. In recent decades, OGCMs have been developed with finer resolution ...

Data reveal 20-year transformation of Gulf of Maine

A new synthesis of two decades of data has elucidated the startling transformation of the warming Gulf of Maine. Gathered and analyzed by researchers at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, the study shows many trends that ...

The history of Lake Cahuilla before the Salton Sea

Today, the Salton Sea is an eerie place. Its mirror-like surface belies the toxic stew within. Fish skeletons line its shores and the ruins of a once thriving vacation playground is a reminder of better days. But long before ...

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