A study of stormy Houston switches gears

In weather terms, convection is the process of conveying heat and moisture upward through a turbulent atmosphere. From there, convection forms clouds—mostly puffy, rain-free shallow cumuli. But others evolve into towering ...

Why are sustainable practices often elusive?

For at least 200,000 years, we humans have been trying to understand our environments and adapt to them. At times, we have succeeded; often, we have not. When we get it wrong—through anthropogenic exacerbations leading ...

Fishermen face shutdowns as warming hurts species

Fishing regulators and the seafood industry are grappling with the possibility that some once-profitable species that have declined with climate change might not come back.

Study finds effect of Earth's orbit on ancient microorganisms

Curtin University researchers studying molecular fossils or "biomarkers" from deep beneath the Chicxulub impact crater have found evidence of how microorganisms changed in response to fluctuations in the Earth's climate, ...

Call to protect Exmouth Gulf marine haven

Threatened inshore dolphins and other species need protecting from proposed industrial expansion in Exmouth Gulf—an unprotected habitat adjoining the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Ningaloo Coast and Marine Park, warn experts ...

Salt water creeps toward New Orleans up Mississippi River

Drought upriver has left the Mississippi River so low and slow that salt water is creeping farther than usual along the bottom toward New Orleans and threatening drinking water, the Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday.

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