Scientists assess how large dinosaurs could really get

A new study by Dr. Jordan Mallon of the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada and Dr. David Hone of Queen Mary University of London, U.K., looks at the maximum possible sizes of dinosaurs. It is published in the journal ...

Wealthier, but not necessarily healthier

One of the most famous and influential mantras of Barack Obama’s chief economic adviser - that wealthier nations are also healthier - has been called into question by a new study.

Making oil from algae – towards more efficient biofuels

The mechanism behind oil synthesis within microalgae cells has been revealed by a Japanese research team. This discovery could contribute to the development of biofuels. The findings were published on April 4 in Scientific ...

New theory for how snowflakes grow

Scientists have discovered what drives the delicate and complex microcosm of tiny terraces, pyramids and craters found on the surface of ice. These miniature structures, hidden beneath a thin premelting layer of water, develop ...

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