Blocking cellular communication stops SARS-CoV-2

In the transmission of signals within the cell which, for example, stimulate cell growth or trigger metabolic processes, phosphate groups play an important biochemical role. The phosphate groups are often attached to proteins ...

Fewer surgeries with degradable implants

Until now, in cases of bone fracture, doctors have used implants made of steel and titanium, which have to be removed after healing. To spare patients burdensome inter- ventions, researchers are working on a bone substitute ...

Important aspects of signalling across cell membranes in plants

( -- Every living plant cell and animal cell is surrounded by a membrane that helps it communicate with other cells and the outside world. These cellular membranes contain receptor molecules that serve as the ...

Bone-hard biomaterial

Screws used in surgical operations are often made of titanium. They usually have to be removed after a while or replaced by new ones. A new biomaterial makes this unnecessary. It promotes bone growth and is biodegradable.

Researchers watch layers of buckyballs grow in real time

Using DESY's ultrabright X-ray source PETRA III, researchers have observed in real-time how football-shaped carbon molecules arrange themselves into ultra-smooth layers. Together with theoretical simulations, the investigation ...

Crackling noise during growth

Globules of fat in homogenised milk, dust particles in the early solar system and small magnetic domains in ferromagnets are all examples of small parts coming together to form one whole, like "birds of a feather"; or, in ...

Disease burden links ecology to economic growth

A new study, published December 27 in the open access journal PLOS Biology, finds that vector-borne and parasitic diseases have substantial effects on economic development across the globe, and are major drivers of differences ...

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