Can we tell someone's cultural group from the way they laugh?

Can we infer someone's cultural group from their laugher, even when we do not know what they are laughing at? And what kind of laughter do we find most positive? A new study by researchers from the University of Amsterdam ...

Societal divisions could hinder EU climate policy

Many contemporary political conflicts are between those who would prioritize the needs of local or national communities and those with a more universal outlook. According to a new study by IASS researcher Silvia Weko, this ...

Blame won't help solve economic inequality, say researchers

( —What makes the difference between being a have and a have-not in America? A millionaire might attribute his fortune to hard work and initiative. He might also say the poverty-stricken simply don't put the same ...

What trade deals can teach us about the animal kingdom

From Brexit to Donald Trump's first acts as US president, the news has been full of discussion about trade agreements recently. But trade agreements aren't just relevant to human politics. Exchange of commodities happens ...

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