Study: Unfair labor practices delay first union contracts

Recent organizing victories at high-profile, private-sector employers such as Amazon, Starbucks and Trader Joe's suggest that U.S. workers can form unions in industries previously considered unorganizable.

Low-status leaders are ignored

People who are deemed social misfits or "losers" aren't effective leaders, even if they are crusading for a cause that would benefit a larger group, according to new research from Rice University, the University of Texas ...

We don't like domineering bosses. So why do we put up with them?

Have you ever had a really bad boss? Think Alec Baldwin as Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross, who announces that "coffee's for closers only" and then threatens the salesmen he supervises with a number of choice terms not suitable ...

Oil, gas giants spend 250 mn on EU lobbying: green groups

The five biggest publicly listed oil and gas companies and trade groups representing them spent more than 250 million euros lobbying the European Union to influence climate action since 2010, environmental groups said Thursday.

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