Communication makes hunting easier for chimpanzees

Similar to humans, chimpanzees use communication to coordinate their cooperative behavior—such as during hunting. When chimpanzees produce a specific vocalization, known as the "hunting bark," they recruit more group members ...

Dramatic differences spotted in chimp communities

Dramatic differences in chimp societies, discovered by researchers at the University of St Andrews, reveal variations in social status and sharing food, as seen in human cultures.

Dolphins sponge up culture: study

Bottlenose dolphins that have learnt to use sea sponges as hunting tools form cliques with others that do the same -- the first evidence of animal grouping based on mutual interest, a study said Tuesday.

Do wolves make deer hunting over bait harder?

Whether or not wolves might affect hunting with bait has been a long-standing question—a recreational tradition that is controversial inside and outside the hunting community. While baiting increases the opportunity for ...

Did prehistoric women hunt? New research suggests so

For a long time, it was assumed that hunting in prehistoric societies was primarily carried out by men. Now a new study adds to a body of evidence challenging this idea. The research reports the discovery of a female body, ...

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