First satellite detection of volcanogenic carbon monoxide

Measuring and tracking the gases that vent from an erupting volcano is a project wrought with potential dangers and difficulties. On the ground measurements place researchers in harm's way, as do airborne sampling surveys. ...

New analysis of drinking water-related gastrointestinal illness

The distribution system piping in U.S. public water systems that rely on non-disinfected well water or "ground water" may be a largely unrecognized cause of up to 1.1 million annual cases of acute gastrointestinal illness ...

Teamwork against benzene

The carcinogenic harmful substance benzene can seriously impact the soil and ground water following chemical accidents or at old industrial sites. Nevertheless, bacteria exist which can degrade this compound even in the absence ...

Shell, BASF ordered to pay $500 mln in Brazil pollution case

A Brazilian judge has ordered oil giant Shell and chemical behemoth BASF to pay $500 million in compensation for hundreds of ex-workers suing for damages in a suspected plant contamination case, a judicial source said Monday.

Polish report: shale gas extraction not harmful

(AP) -- A scientific study in Poland has found that shale gas extraction at one site produced some toxic refuse but that the waste was reused and didn't harm the environment.

Hungary toxic levels 'lower than expected' after spill

A year after Hungary's worst chemicals spill released vast amounts of poisonous red mud, levels of toxic substances are lower than feared but still above average, Greenpeace said on Wednesday.

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