Physicist identifies how electron crystals melt

The mysterious changes in phases of matter—from solid to liquid and back again—have fascinated Eun-Ah Kim since she was in lower elementary school in South Korea. Without cold drinking water readily available, on hot ...

Strengthening Hurricane Fiona heads north toward Bermuda

Hurricane Fiona continued its slow and devastating march northward after slamming the Turks and Caicos Islands on Tuesday and leaving a trail of destruction in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Fiona, a Category 3 hurricane, batters Turks and Caicos

Hurricane Fiona, a powerful Category 3 storm, was battering the Turks and Caicos islands on Tuesday after leaving two people dead and triggering major flooding and power outages in the Caribbean.

California and the West broil in record heat wave

A record-setting heat wave made life miserable in much of the West on Tuesday, with California stretching into its second week of excessive heat that taxed the state's power supply with record-setting demand and brought it ...

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