Speeding the search for better methane capture

(Phys.org) —Like the Roman god Janus, methane presents Earth's atmosphere with two situational faces. As the main component of natural gas, methane when burned as a fuel produces less carbon dioxide than the burning of ...

Carbon's role in planetary atmosphere formation

(Phys.org) —A new study of how carbon is trapped and released by iron-rich volcanic magma offers clues about the early atmospheric evolution on Mars and other terrestrial bodies.

New insight into biochemical methane production

The biological sources of methane are wide-ranging; however, the conditions have to be always oxygen-free. Archaebacteria release the potent greenhouse gas in rice fields, mires and cows' stomachs, for example. A team of ...

Researchers unravel the mystery of marine methane oxidation

(Phys.org)—Microbiologists and geochemists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, along with their colleagues from Vienna and Mainz, show that marine methane oxidation coupled to sulfate respiration can ...

New research identifies prime source of ocean methane

Up to 4 percent of the methane on Earth comes from the ocean's oxygen-rich waters, but scientists have been unable to identify the source of this potent greenhouse gas. Now researchers report that they have found the culprit: ...

Arctic Ocean could be source of greenhouse gas: study

(Phys.org) -- The fragile and rapidly changing Arctic region is home to large reservoirs of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. As Earth's climate warms, the methane, frozen in reservoirs stored in Arctic tundra soils or marine ...

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