Common clay materials may help curb methane emissions

Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and it has a pronounced effect within first two decades of its presence in the atmosphere. In the recent international climate negotiations in Glasgow, abatement ...

Microbes reduce methane coming from Amsterdam's canals

According to researchers from Radboud University and Utrecht University, Amsterdam's canals emit relatively little methane. Methane-eating microbes that make their home on the canal walls probably play an important role. ...

How we measure the effects of methane matters for climate policy

How effective is the promotion of low-meat diets at reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to carbon pricing when the effectiveness of mitigation policies is measured against methane's long-term behavior? An international ...

Slashing methane emissions key for keeping Earth cool

The pledge taken by about 100 countries at the COP26 climate talks on Tuesday to slash emissions from methane by 30 percent before 2030 could help cap global warming at liveable levels, but key emitters are missing, experts ...

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